Description:Teenage superhuman Joseph Hawk embarks on an adventure to Intrepid Academy, making many friends and enemies while he competes in the world-famous "Crucible" tournament.
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Actor:Austin Filson, Dakota Raen, Teddy Gathmann, Levin Jarrett, Jamie Atkins, Danielle Bennett, Sierra Blaze, Levi Burdick, Willem Butler, Erika Chase, Cameron Chester, Whitney Christopher, Alex Elliott, Tanner Gould, Sammy Harley, Ronnie Kantorik, John Kap, Jacob Kimball, Wendell Kinney, Tre Lockhart, Jessica Lonardo, Jeremy Madden, Keith Matlock, Colin McMillan, Jordan Mitchell, Keller Moore, Dakota Payne, Barry Piacente, Heather Place, Caileigh Schroeder, Ashlyn Stallings, Trevor Standish, Emma Svitil, Ben Taylor, Alpha Trivette, Patrick Walker, Rob West, Kalyn Wood,