It's four hours of hairy beary sex. Hair here, hair there, everywhere a bear bear. Fans of the anti-shaved-n-waxed brigade should be lining up soon, we're sure.
as (segment "After Hours") (archive footage)
as (segment "Bear Hug") (archive footage)
as (segment "First Mate") (archive footage)
as (segment "Bear Hug") (achive footage)
as (archive footage)
as (segment "Heat of the City") (archive footage)
as (segment "Memories of Summer") (archive footage)
as (segment "The Hotel") (archive footage)
as (segment "Gianfranco Delivers") (archive footage)
as (segment "Solicitor") (archive footage)
as (segment "Iron Man") (archive footage)
as (segment "Hot Properties") (archive footage)